The D02 Skate makes moving one metre crates so much easier. They have metal lips around the base to ensure the crates are stable.
Metal LippedStrong & RobustSimple to useFour Wheeled
External Dimensions
x W390mm
This skate is the perfect accompaniment to the CM3 one metre crate.
The crate fits neatly on the skate from which you can stack more crates.
These skates are essential when moving crates around the office , etc.
They are robust and have four castors making them easier to manoeuvre.
The D02 one metre crates can get heavy when packed so make sure you add a skate to your order.
Is there a minimum order?
No, you can hire as many crates as you like plus there is no minimum rental period. One time it might be ten crates, another it may be 500 crates, the most important thing is you’ve chosen Cratemate.
Are Discounts Available?
We can off special rates on large orders over long periods.
Please call (029) 206 54 206 or email for details.
Where does Cratemate Deliver?
Crate rental is available to all parts of the UK. Order before 4:30pm (within office hours) and we can get the crates delivered the next day!
What time will my crates arrive?
Normally crates are delivered in the morning and collected in the afternoon.
If you need an eta please call (029) 206 54 206 on the morning of the crate delivery/collection.
Delivery Postcode is required
Not in South Wales? Check out our National Crate Hire site.
per trip (includes £6.00 congestion charge)
Collection Postcode is required
per trip (includes £6.00 congestion charge)
{{total_excl_vat()}} + 20% VAT ({{total_vat()}}){{total_incl_vat()}}
Please note we do not take payment online, you will be invoiced,
You can then pay by credit/debit card, cheque or BACS.